LIFE2020:ABILITA2 || TROCAR || MeuSIX || KRG-DHIS || ARCA || AMS || ABILITA ||RARE || IKR || EuResist || SecurePhone
November 2019 - Rome - ABILITA, the web platform supporting patients, clinicians and caregivers, developed in the framework of the ABILITA2 project, has been awarded by the Forum PA. A further achieviment for the project developed in association (RTI) with Logica Informatica and Mediamed, funded by the Life2020 - POR FESR LAZIO 2014-2020
October 2019 - ABILITA launches the public website - for patients, parents, clinicians, care givers - the funded project is closed and now the partners intend to propose the platform as a real support for the community of people dealing with complex pathologies, offering services for the supporting network of the patients.
July 2019 - IPRO was acknowledged as belonging to the Community of Innovators of the Lazio Region, thanks to the development of the LIFE2020: ABILITA2 project and the constant commitment to the introduction of advanced technologies in the field of health management.
March 2019 - ABILITA2 enter in the test phase of the abilita platform, conducted by Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, the ASL Rieti, and patients associations caring Alzheimer, Authism, Parenteral Nutrition, Pader Willi syndrome, deletion of cromosom 22. More associations are going to join the project whose purpose is to integrate the formal networks of the Health and Social services with the informal proximity network of the patients.
December 2018 - The ABILITA2 project is among the initiatives for future developoments presented at the Italy-China week for Science Technology and Innovation; the participating projects were selected from those receiving public funds on the basis of the real interest that the projects may present for possibly international investors.
ABILITA2: SVILUPPO DI UN APPLICATIVO PER TERMINALI MOBILI DEDICATO A POPOLAZIONI AD ALTA COMPLESSITÀ ASSISTENZIALE INVESTIMENTO TOTALE DEL PROGETTO: € 853.488 CONTRIBUTO AMMESSO: € 560.430 Abilita2 nasce dal precedente progetto Abilita, concluso con successo nel 2015 con il coinvolgimento di bambini affetti da disabilità e da patologie rare. Oggi Abilita è una piattaforma web che contiene i dati clinici e terapeutici di pazienti pediatrici. Il sistema permette a figure diverse di consultare e aggiornare da qualsiasi luogo e in qualsiasi momento i record personali sanitari. Il progetto Abilita2 si propone ora di sviluppare un applicativo per terminali mobili dedicato a popolazioni ad alta complessità assistenziale. Partendo dai risultati ottenuti in precedenza, il nuovo progetto prevede un allargamento del target di utenza, l’ampliamento significativo del database e delle funzionalità del sistema nonché lo sviluppo di nuove interfacce utente che semplificano il caricamento e l’estrazione delle informazioni. La sperimentazione, finalizzata alla gestione sanitaria di persone con alta complessità assistenziale, coinvolgerà anche le popolazioni terremotate della provincia di Rieti. Il progetto coordinato da Informapro s.r.l. è sviluppato in partnership con Logica Informatica S.r.l. e con Mediamed Interactive S.r.l. Abilita2 è in fase di realizzazione grazie al contributo ricevuto. February 2018: The project ABILITA2 is funded by Lazio Region within the Call “Life2020” (POR FESR Lazio 2014-2020). ABILITA2 follows the previous project ABILITA, successfully finished in 2015 involving children affected by disabilities and rare diseases; in this new initiative, a Web Platform will be developed targeting Complex Care Populations, living with chronic illness or in areas where the delivery of healthcare services is particularly difficult. To these communities, the ABILITA2 system will offer new possibilities to easily collect and organize personal data and to share them with physicians and different professional figures; also, additional services will be provided such as the psychologist support. The test phase will involve also Province of Rieti, where earthquake took place in 2016. |
Informapro Srl Logica Informatica Srl Mediamed Interactive Srl in collaboration with Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù Ospedale di Rieti Associazione UNIAMO |