Web publishing
We offer editing services at the highest levels and can satisfy all types of needs and possible occasional and urgent requests by the client. The activities of this business unit are: • documents management: all kinds of material (files in text, image, audio and video) • information retrieval and independent production • documents optimization for online publication, with innovative grapics solutions • indexing • texts translation. Among the websites managed by Informapro, we can mention: • www.takeda.it • www.alzheimeruniti.it • www.patronatoacai.it • www.esbp2015.org Mobile Health Mobile health covers medical and public health practice supported by mobile devices, such as mobile phones, patient monitoring devices, personal digital assistants (PDAs), and other wireless devices. It also includes applications such as lifestyle and wellbeing apps that may connect to medical devices or sensors (e.g. bracelets or watches) as well as personal guidance systems, health information and medication reminders provided by sms and telemedicine provided wirelessly. mHealth is an emerging and rapidly developing field which has the potential to play a part in the transformation of healthcare and increase its quality and efficiency. Green Paper on Mobile Health by the European Commission. Among our latest initiatives on Mobile Health, we can mention: • ABILITA • RARE |