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arcaARCA (Antiretroviral Resistance Cohort Analysis) is a public database for the studying of resistance to anti-HIV drugs (antiretroviral drugs). It is fed by data coming from different centres, mostly universities and care facilities.
The database is aimed to develop mathematical prediction models of response to anti-HIV treatment, providing a freely accessible tool to optimize therapies. More in particular: • it is freely provided a hosting service for anonymous demographic information (year of birth, sex, first detection of HIV virus, country of origin, probable way of HIV acquisition), clinical information (AIDS-defining events, 27 HCV and HBV status, HLA typing), viroimmunological information (CD4 cells absolute and percentage level, test results of coreceptors tropism) and therapeutic information (antiretroviral treatments with start and end date and end reason) related to more than 18.000 patients followed in more than 100 clinical centres and laboratories involved in the project. • for research use only, it is freely provided a phylogenetic analysis service along with resistance profile interpretation (AntiRetroScan software patented by University of Siena) • it is possible to view basic statistical elaborations. September 2022 - ARCA FACTORY 2022 in Florence - This year the ARCA training event is characterized as a Factory with more than 30 infectious disease specialists and virologists in three working groups that have elaborated project proposals on the themes given by the Board. The Groups will continue to work in the coming months to produce results (Surveys, studies, slide kits) in the course of 2023.
September 2021 - on 13th-14th, in Florence was held AMS2021, the 7th edition of the late-summer school by ARCA. 37 participants and more than 15 speakers and tutors have worked on 8 research themes, creating the premises for the developments of the themes in the next months. To be again together has been great. See the AMS2021 photo album.
September 2020 - in virtual mode, using the remote learning platform made available by McCann- Vyvamed, was held starting on 28-29 of September, the Arca Factory 2020, sixth edition of the School for Infectious Diseases specialists and Virologists, managed by the ARCA Board. The school keeps going with remote meeting of the working groups, till the conclusions of the started projects.
September 2019 - on 18th and 19th the Arca Mentor School took place in Siena, 42 participants started, in the two days session, the work that will be continued in the next months on the queries proposed by the ARCA Board. Event programme. Images Gallery.
May 2019 - At 17TH EUROPEAN MEETING ON HIV & HEPATITIS held in Rome, one of the works of the ARCA Study Group won the Ricardo Camacho Award: "Impact of resistance mutations on virological efficacy of DTG-based maintenance two-drug regimens: a cohort study", (Gagliardini R., Rossetti B. et al)
September 2018 - On 24th and 25th 38 young virologists and clinicians took part in Siena at Virology Knowledge Tank (VIKT2018). Two days with presentation of the open issues by an international panel, discussion and elaboration of next studies and projects proposals. This format of educational workshop joins the existing Arca Mentor School, with the support of Euresist Network GEIE. [VIKT2018video]
September 2017 - ARCA Mentor School 3 – the third edition of the training course was held in Siena and it was attended by Italian young clinicians and virologists expecting to learn how to manage data for their scientific projects.
The AMS is a collaborative project involving the ARCA scientific Board www.dbarca.net , Intramed Communications, I-PRO and EURESIST Network GEIE. arca_programma_20-21sett.pdf Video AMS2017 Since 2015 it is open the Arca Mentor School project (AMS), a collaborative initiative involving the ARCA scientific Board, Intramed Communications and I-PRO.
Information and materials on AMS 2015 and 2016 are available here. The official site of the ARCA project is www.dbarca.net
Antiretroviral Resistance Cohort Analysis
Scientific Board
Università di Siena Informapro S.r.l. INMI L. Spallanzani, Roma Università di Milano Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano Università di Tor Vergata, Roma Università di Padova Università di Roma Tre Università di Brescia II Università di Napoli Università di Foggia Ospedale Niguarda Milano Università di Pavia |