Erbil, 25 August 2015
I-PRO and Euresist support the Pilot project for the development of a system of health monitoring and surveillance activities in the Autonomous Region of Kurdistan - Iraq - coordinated by the University of Rome Torvergata, and funded by the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation ( Rudaw Net )
I-PRO and Euresist support the Pilot project for the development of a system of health monitoring and surveillance activities in the Autonomous Region of Kurdistan - Iraq - coordinated by the University of Rome Torvergata, and funded by the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation ( Rudaw Net )
Ancona, 2 July 2015
I-PRO is accredited to the Marche Region as provider of advisory services and technical assistance in support of European Project Design, for the regional call “Voucher per favorire la partecipazione ai programmi comunitari a gestione diretta della Commissione Europea”.
I-PRO is accredited to the Marche Region as provider of advisory services and technical assistance in support of European Project Design, for the regional call “Voucher per favorire la partecipazione ai programmi comunitari a gestione diretta della Commissione Europea”.
Rome, 15 March 2015
It is now available online the ANANAS App designed by I-PRO: the App is dedicated to people with Neurofibromatosis and their families, and offers new opportunities for sharing experiences and information about the pathology and its every-day management.
Visit the project website
Download the APP for Android and iOS.
It is now available online the ANANAS App designed by I-PRO: the App is dedicated to people with Neurofibromatosis and their families, and offers new opportunities for sharing experiences and information about the pathology and its every-day management.
Visit the project website
Download the APP for Android and iOS.
Rome, 30 December 2014
It is now available online the ABILITA App designed by I-PRO together with Logica Informatica Srl and Mediamed Interactive Srl, in collaboration with Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù. The App offers different tools for children with complex disabling diseases and supports them, involving their families, doctors and all healthcare givers in a constantly active network.
Visit the project website
Download the APP for Android and iOS.
It is now available online the ABILITA App designed by I-PRO together with Logica Informatica Srl and Mediamed Interactive Srl, in collaboration with Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù. The App offers different tools for children with complex disabling diseases and supports them, involving their families, doctors and all healthcare givers in a constantly active network.
Visit the project website
Download the APP for Android and iOS.
Palermo, 11-14 June 2014
The first achievements coming from the ABILITA project will be presented at the Italian Congress of Pediatrics (Palermo, 11-14 June 2014). The conference will give the opportunity to share experience with Italian physicians who face the same healthcare issues and to extend the project results to other important clinical centers in the national territory.
The first achievements coming from the ABILITA project will be presented at the Italian Congress of Pediatrics (Palermo, 11-14 June 2014). The conference will give the opportunity to share experience with Italian physicians who face the same healthcare issues and to extend the project results to other important clinical centers in the national territory.